Do you need medical assistance?
In case of emergency - Call 1-1-2
For emergencies and life-threatening situations: call 112. Our dispatchers at the ambulance dispatch centre are ready to assist you.
Urgent but not life-threatening
Contact your general practitioner (GP). During evenings, nights, and weekends you can reach out to the after-hours GP clinic.
Unsure whether you need to see a doctor? Visit for more information
Not urgent?
Healthcare providers (GP’s, doctors at the hospital or nursing homes) can request ambulance care for their patients if necessary. As an individual it is not possible to order an ambulance yourself.
Ambulance care in the Netherlands
Watch this video to see how ambulance care is arranged in the Netherlands.
Ambulance care on the spot – No transport to hospital
When an ambulance arrives, the patient is thoroughly examined by a paramedic. Sometimes, transportation to the hospital is necessary so the patient can undergo further examination and treatment there. In other cases, it may become clear that transportation to the hospital is not needed. In these situations, the patient remains on-site and is not taken in the ambulance. Any treatment provided on the spot and advice regarding following care is given to the patient.
What are the costs for our Ambulance care?
The costs of an ambulance in the Netherlands for people who don’t live here and don’t have valid health insurance is between € 400,- and € 900,-. You will only need to pay in case you are taken to the hospital. If the ambulance only comes and stabilizes you on the spot but you don’t need to be transported, there are no costs.